
Buy Your Side

Trinity Square Video is proud to present By Your Side, a solo exhibition by H. Miguel, a deeply personal exploration of the delicate balance between joy and sorrow.

Drawing from the emotional experience of living with depression and anxiety, this series reflects the paradox that the happiest are often the saddest. The collection’s use of vibrant, singular colors is designed to create an immersive experience—a journey through a rainbow that seeks to evoke feelings of happiness, hope, and joy, even in the midst of struggle.

Each piece in the series represents a moment of personal light—a fleeting memory or a simple moment that brought a smile during dark times. These moments serve as reminders that, despite the overwhelming presence of sadness, there is always an underlying joy to be rediscovered.

Through the work, the artist explores the sense of emotional distance that can come with depression, where even loved ones can feel like distant silhouettes. By Your Side is a reflection on that distance, yet also an affirmation that, no matter how far apart we may feel, the moments of joy are still within reach.

Join us on a visual journey through color, memory, and emotional resilience, as we remember that the sadness, too, shall pass.

H. Miguel

About Trinity Square

Founded in 1971, it is one of Canada’s first artist-run centres and its oldest media arts centre. We are a not-for-profit, charitable organization.

For 50 years, Trinity Square has been a champion of media arts practices. Our activities are guided by a goal to increase our members’ and audiences’ understanding and imagination of what media arts practices can be. Trinity Square strives to create supportive environments, encouraging artistic and curatorial experimentation that challenge medium specificity through education, production and presentation supports.

As video-based practices have become increasingly present across disciplines, Trinity Square engages artists and curators in critical investigations into the changing conditions of perception, materiality and the virtual. We consider all of our artistic activities and structures through a process of critical self-reflection, continuously evaluating the ethical positioning of our programming, jury structures, inter-organizational relationships, et cetera. In addition to holding aesthetic worth in its own right, our artistic programming extends our education and production activities in order to generate new knowledges.

Trinity Square’s programming is guided by three priorities: 1) promoting an expanded definition of media arts; 2) promoting the meaningful engagement of diverse voices in all levels of our operations; and 3) supporting and nurturing the production of new works by artists and curators. Our membership represents the diversity of the city and honours the original mandate of the organization—seeking to reduce barriers to access related to race, gender, sexual orientation, and socio- economic and physical ability.

Gallery Opening Hours